TS7954-00 - The Thomas

TitleThe Thomas
CollectionThomas Strahan (pre-1975)
DescriptionIn the Arthur Thomas House of Marshfield, Massachusetts, we found this interesting stripe. It is one of those rare papers painted by itinerant artists who were hired by important families to give their walls exclusive decoration. The Thomas family has several significant figures in American Colonial history. The first member of this family to leave England was adopted by Edward Winslow, Governor of Massachusetts, in 1700. Another Thomas was a Loyalist who stood by the Kind when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. He fled to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to save his head. A third server as Captain under Governor Hutchinson, whose actions precipitated the famous Boston Tea Party. It was during the life of this third Thomas that the paper was painted.
Inventory Data
For sale? This pattern is discontinued. Contact the manufacturer, Thomas Strahan (pre-1975), for special/custom order inquiries.
